Saracen Stamm 30

Availability: In Stock


  • Horses in work, to upgrade the nutrients in their existing ration
  • Fast growing foals, to control weight gain and growth rates
  • Yearlings through to full maturity
  • Barren mares & broodmares, after weaning


  • High quality protein source to optimise peak muscle health and encourage maintenance of topline and muscle definition
  • Supports normal immune function and energy release
  • Includes a blend of yeast cultures to support digestion
  • BMC® (Buffered Mineral Complex) for gastric health and bone development
  • Includes dense antioxidant support to assist normal muscle function
  • Supports optimum skeletal development and strength
  • Ensures provision of essential minerals to broodmares
Weight: 20KG
EAN: 5060267400444
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STAMM 30® is a highly concentrated source of essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals specifically designed to support breeding and youngstock. STAMM 30® is whole cereal free, low in starch and sugar, and will produce a low glycaemic response post feeding. This makes it suitable for fast growing foals and horses with more excitable temperaments. STAMM 30® can be fed alongside a forage only diet or alongside the existing ration to support nutrient intake.

All types of breeding stock will benefit from the elevated inclusion of antioxidants within STAMM 30®, in particular, natural vitamin E, which supports immune function, colostrum quality and can help to support optimal muscle function. STAMM 30® also includes Maerl, a bioavailable source of calcium which has been shown to support bone development and maintain optimal gastric health.

STAMM 30® is also low in calories making it ideal for broodmares out at grass, who are in good body condition, and youngstock that are maintaining their weight well and do not, therefore, require extra weight but still need an optimal intake of vitamins and minerals. Stamm 30 can also be fed to breeding stallions that do not require a high-calorie intake to maintain body condition.

STAMM 30® is suitable for supplementing gestating mares out at grass post-weaning from the middle of their second trimester, (week 20 of their pregnancy onwards), through to their last trimester of pregnancy taking care of key nutrients required at this stage. Barren mares can also benefit from this maintenance diet.


The 'Two-part' feeding system of using STAMM 30® and LEVEL-GROW™STUD PREP 14MARE-CARE or STALLION PLAN together allows energy levels to be reduced or increased, as required, at any stage of the breeding season, whilst guaranteeing the macro-and micronutrient supplementation.

Feed intakes will vary depending upon the stage of growth or reproduction, and the changing needs of the individual with regards to energy requirements of growth rates.

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  • Saracen
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  • Balancers
FEED BODY WEIGHT FREQUENCY 500g Foals Per day 750g Weanlings Per day 1kg Yearlings Per day 1kg Broodmares Per day 750g - 1kg Breeding stallions Per day 750g - 1kg Performance horses Per day These feeding rates are intended as a guide only. Always try to feed a minimum of 1.5% of bodyweight as good quality forage per day. There is a dedicated measuring cup available for Stamm 30®. 1 cup = 0.5kg
Soya Bean Meal (GM Soya), Wheatfeed, Dicalcium Phosphate, Molasses, Maerl (calcareous marine algae), Soya Hulls (GM Soya), Vitamins & Minerals, Sodium Chloride, Soya Oil (GM Soya), Coconut Flavour Nutritional Analysis Oil3.0% Protein30.0% Fibre5% Digestible Energy11.5 MJ/kg Starch7.0% Vitamin A70,000 iu/kg Vitamin D7,000 iu/kg Vitamin E1,750 iu/kg Yeast2.5 x 10^10 CFU/kg