Hilton Calm & Collected 1kg
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Hilton Calm & Collected 1kg

£34.98 £31.48
Availability: Currently out of stock but available to order
Hilton Herbs Calm & Collected - Tried-and-tested so your horse can be "Calm & Collected"
Weight: 1KG
EAN: 630447602880
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This tried-and-tested herbal calmer containing valerian, chamomile, and other calming herbs, will help your horse maintain a calm, healthy, and balanced nervous system. We recommend this supplement for use whilst schooling-on young horses, for changes in routine, or simply to help support tense, nervous or sensitive types. Its worth remembering that horses can become stressed and exciteable for very simple reasons, such as insufficient daily turnout, or not enough exercise in relation to their calorific intake. Daily turnout is vital for every healthy horse, especially for young, still maturing animals. If you have a mare and think her behaviour is affected by her seasons then consider our Easy Mare range instead but we we would not suggest giving both supplements together.

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  • Hilton Herbs
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  • Behaviour & Calming
Valerian root, Chamomile flowers, Vervain herb, Marshmallow root, Hawthorn flowering tops, Meadowsweet herb.