Thunderbrook Mycosorb A +1kg

Availability: Out of Stock
Thunderbrook Mycosorb A+ (mycotoxin removal from gut)is the latest generation of mycotoxin binder, for removal of mycotoxins from the digestive system.
Weight: 1KG
EAN: 5060455930654
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It is a patented broad-spectrum mycotoxin binding feed supplement derived from yeast. Legislation limits the amounts of mycotoxins allowed into the human food chain, but legislation is currently not in force for animal feeds. Hay, straw, cereals, feed etc all naturally contain mycotoxins ' levels will vary depending on weather and harvesting conditions.

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  • Thunderbrook Equestrian
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  • Cushings & Metabolic
  • Digestive Support
Feeding rate10-20g per day