Thunderbrook Cut Nettle 1kg

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A nutritive plant, readily taking up minerals and nutrients from the soil.

Contains Vit A, Vit C, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, protein, riboflavin, selenium, silicon, thiamine, quercetin.? Nettle is ideal as a blood tonic.

Horses will readily seek out and eat this herb if cut down and left in the field to dry out so that they no longer sting.

Nutritionally supports: healthy blood and urine qualities, normal kidney functions
A feed material for equines

Weight: 1KG
EAN: -
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Horses will readily seek out and eat this herb if cut down and left in the field to dry out so that they no longer sting. Nutritionally supports: healthy blood and urine qualities, normal kidney functions

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  • Thunderbrook Equestrian
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  • Herbs
  • Liver & Detox
Feeding rate20-30g per day
Crude Protein 46.9%, Crude 19.8%